Project information

NodeJS JavaScript HTML5 CSS Sass Bootstrap ExpressJS MongoDB CRUD MVC PassportJS Amazon AWS Amazon EC2


An online directory of Breweries, pubs and bars in your area!

Built for the beer lovers, BeerHop lists breweries, pubs and bars close to you. Users can browse bars using either the main list or cluster map. Each bar also has it's own page with more details and user reviews. While adding and editing bars is currently limited to authorised users, this functionality can be added later.

I am currently studying to become a Full Stack Web Developer and building BeerHop was the capstone project for the 2022 Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele on Udemy.

The project was to demonstrate my ability to create a full CRUD and MVC web app. Also, rather than just copy the course's final YelpCamp project, I attempted to put my own spin on the project.

The application was built using NodeJS and Express. For data storage, MongoDB Atlas was used. This was my first time using a NoSQL database system, and I'm glad I now have the experience.